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Chinese Academy of Sciences holds 2024 annual Work Conference

time:2024/01/15 News view:1049

From December 23 to 24, the Chinese Academy of Sciences held its 2024 annual Work Conference in Beijing. All the leaders of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, some old leaders of the academy and department directors attended the meeting. Comrade in charge of the Bureau of Science and Technology Audit of the National Audit Office was invited to attend the meeting.


This meeting is a very important meeting held at a critical period when the Chinese Academy of Sciences organizes and mobilizes the whole academy to seize the commanding heights of science and technology and step up the new journey of fully realizing the “four leads”. It has made a comprehensive mobilization and deployment for the whole hospital to gather together to seize the commanding heights of science and technology and strive to create a new situation of reform, innovation and development.


The meeting pointed out that 2023 is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the Party’s 20 Congresses, and it is also the beginning year for the Chinese Academy of Sciences to implement the “3+5” development strategy. We deepened the reform of the academician system and the restructuring of the key laboratory system to achieve new breakthroughs in key areas, continued to strengthen mission-oriented institutional basic research, focused on breakthroughs in key core technologies, made a number of major innovation achievements around the “four aspects”, continued to strengthen the construction of cadres and human resources, made new achievements in reform, innovation and development, and took various undertakings to a new level.


The whole academy should deeply understand the great strategic significance of seizing the commanding heights of science and technology for the self-reliance of high-level science and technology and the great historical significance of the reform and innovation development of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, deeply understand the series of major practical challenges facing the commanding heights of science and technology, and further strengthen the sense of mission and responsibility.


The meeting emphasized that seizing the commanding heights of science and technology is the general goal, general task and general requirement of leading the reform, innovation and development of the whole Institute in the new era. Focusing on supporting development, ensuring survival, and enhancing leadership, we should give full play to the advantages of a new national system, innovate organizational models, consolidate responsibilities at various levels, continue to condenze and organize the implementation of major scientific and technological tasks, strive to produce a number of key, original, and leading scientific and technological achievements, and accelerate the seizing of a number of commanding heights in science and technology. It is necessary to penetrate the requirements of seizing the commanding heights of science and technology into all aspects and the whole process of the reform, innovation and development of the institute, strengthen the awareness of “grabbing” and “high” standards, accelerate the construction of cadres and talents with the quality and ability to seize the commanding heights of science and technology, coordinate and strengthen the construction of “hard conditions” and “soft power”, respect the laws of science and advocate the spirit of science. Create a scientific research ecology that is realistic, realistic, and collaborative in innovation, to provide a strong guarantee, create favorable conditions, create a good environment, and form a strong synergy for accelerating the pursuit of the commanding heights of science and technology.


The meeting stressed that the Institute, as the basic organizational unit of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, should further optimize the management system, improve management capabilities and governance efficiency, truly establish the development positioning and scientific research layout on the national major needs of seizing the commanding heights of science and technology, and integrate the talent team and resources from all aspects to the core task of seizing the commanding heights of science and technology. Leading cadres at all levels, especially the main party and government officials, should effectively play the role of the “key minority”, always take the responsibility of seizing the commanding heights of science and technology on their shoulders, improve their standing, and perform their duties. Always put the mission of seizing the commanding heights of science and technology in mind, meet difficulties head-on, take the initiative; Always grasp the task of seizing the commanding heights of science and technology in hand, pay close attention to implementation, and ensure effective results. The institute organs should effectively improve the organizational force, execution force, combat effectiveness, strengthen overall planning and organizational coordination, continue to improve the work style, and build a “policy toolbox” to support the seizure of the commanding heights of science and technology as soon as possible.


The meeting focused on accelerating the seizing of the commanding heights of science and technology, from strengthening learning and mobilization, organizing and implementing major scientific and technological tasks, strengthening mission-oriented institutional basic research, strengthening the team of cadres and talents, strengthening the team of academicians and the construction of high-level science and technology think tanks, continuing to deepen reform, strengthening opening-up and cooperation, strengthening the Party’s leadership and the construction of an innovative culture, etc. Deployment of priorities for 2024.


The meeting emphasized that taking the commanding heights of science and technology as the core task, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has established a new orientation and new coordinates on the new journey in the new era, and entrusted the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a national strategic scientific and technological force, with a new mission and new responsibilities, which is not only a major strategic opportunity, but also a severe test and challenge. It is a powerful driving force, but also a huge pressure. Success does not have to be in my realm, success must have my responsibility, hard work, accelerate to seize a number of scientific and technological commanding heights, and make new contributions to achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and build a scientific and technological power.


At the meeting, Hou Jianguo made a special report on promoting the progress of the Party building work of the whole Institute and the deployment of key work next year, requiring adherence to and strengthening the overall leadership of the Party, consolidating the construction of grass-roots party organizations, giving full play to the “two roles”, vigorously promoting the spirit of scientists, and providing a strong political guarantee and strong spiritual motivation for seizing the commanding heights of science and technology. Zhai Lixin, Deputy Secretary-General of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, made a special report on the evaluation work of the institute. The Institute of High Energy and other 7 affiliated units made the general assembly exchange, and relevant departments and units made written exchanges.


The participants held a heated discussion on the theme of the conference. Implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Group of the Institute, with a high sense of mission, responsibility, and urgency, tackle difficulties, strive to take the lead, and actively contribute to seizing the commanding heights of science and technology and the construction of a scientific and technological power.


Realistic and pragmatic implementation, dare to make good implementation, and ensure the implementation of various deployments.


The meeting also awarded the 2023 Chinese Academy of Sciences Outstanding Scientific and Technological Achievement Award, Young Scientist Award, International Science and Technology Cooperation Award, and read the 2023 Chinese Academy of Sciences Annual Person and Annual team, Science and Technology Promotion Development Award, and the list of advanced security workers.


The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission in charge of the discipline inspection and supervision group of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the main responsible comrades of the party and government of various departments and units of the hospital attended the meeting.

